Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Ohoribata H&C (sort of) and Hidemi

Tried to do the Ohoribata History and Culture course at the worst possible time, late morning of the Japanese emperor's birthday, when there's some big event on the palace side and that southeast edge is closed. Also, with half of the course along the most crowded jogging course I know, it's pretty crazy to be jogging opposite the standard direction (which I knew, but am always doing it anyway on the way home with cake), so next time I do this course I'll do it in reverse. Otherwise, most of the course is east and non-stop. The beginnings and endings are not marked well and are in busy areas with lots of traffic lights, as I've commented about that area before,. Also, it's kind of boring as a course because it's so familiar, but relatively convenient if I want to buy cake that way.

Because of running into crowds around the palace side and then having to figure out how to detour south and ultimately end up not so far from where I entered them, it took 44'48'' for just 6 1/3 km.

As planned, I got one piece of cake from Hidemi, although because of various problems, I did not arrive until well after 12, which meant a good wait. It looked like there were people in line who were not going to get any cake when I left, since they don't bring out more cake later, as far as I know [okay, I have seem them bring out more cake at around 11:20, so maybe they are not completely limited by the size of their display]. I got the Mangue Cassis, which is Mango and Cassis mousses and costs 680 yen. This cake is small, expensive, and not interesting at all, so I'm putting Hidemi in the "worthy" column rather than "great", and moving on to further exploring elsewhere. Also, my cake was fairly loose in the box, so the top pieces fell off, although at least they gave my cake to me quickly (other people got the full wrapping of the box in another layer of somewhat spongy plastic wrap, but the six shop people were busy, so unlike last time someone apparently judged that I didn't need the additional wrapping, which I didn't, on the outside).

Hidemi: Mangue Cassis
Later, I went to Fraoula, wanting some fresh baked goods, specifically a croissant and a bostock, but for the holidays, they were sticking to cake and longer lasting baked goods. I went the long way, exploring how far west I could go nonstop and also took a long confusing route back and stopped for shopping a couple places. The last 1 km or so was just walking. Total running was about 3 hours.

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