Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve Run: no (shop) cake

Was doing 1 min/1 min intervals, although I was going down Aoyama Dori/Road, so there was a lot of dodging and then crowds at Shibuya that continued beyond through to Yamanote Dori/Road. I tried to go to a new shop, but it was closed. I'm irritated that I had checked their website and still did not get information that they would be closed, but I respect that a good place would not be available now for petits gateaux. I'll visit them again in a month (I didn't bother to write down their schedule posted on their door or photograph it with my phone camera; I'll just wait until Christmas Cake season, New Year's, and associated shop holidays are all over generally). I'm going to try to go to a worthy place Saturday that claims to be open, but if that fails, I will try Isetan, despite the crowds that I know will be there.

I managed 70 minutes of "running", but as I said, some of that was necessarily walking (and I lot of climbing of pedestrian overpasses) and I could not always run fast even when I was supposed to, but I'm hoping that I was able to get a better workout than yesterday, when I ran a long way, but didn't really feel it the next day. Tomorrow will be a no running day (although not because of Christmas), and so no shop cake, although I thawed out a chocolate cheese cake tart and ate half today, so I'll be okay tomorrow. I need to make space in the freezer for other food, and those tarts have been there for a few weeks. Also, I have some cookie failures to eat up (I've saving the only semi-failures) and I need to do a lot of cleaning before I try cookies again, as well as pecan pie tarts.

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