Monday, October 30, 2017

Bien-être: Mont-Blanc

Ran over to Bien-être today. On the way, I tried for the first time to follow part of he neighborhood course I created through Sendagaya and failed to follow correctly to find the first park and then, back on the correct route past the second park, I found that I were I had planned to turn had a cross light, which is against the course rules. Fortunately, I could shift that turn south a few blocks where the street is quieter and signals are not necessary. Found the first park on the way back.

At Bien-être, I was disappointed by not too surprised that the Chiboust Pistache that I thought was great earlier in the month and wanted to match in a cake-off this Friday has already been replaced in the line up, so I'll have to get my second pistachio cake from L'Abricotier then, who still lists it on their site, at least for now. Anyway, Bien-être was relatively busy with three other groups (there were a couple pairs of people, but I can't remember whether the person in the corner was alone). I decided to go with the conventional choice of Mont-Blanc, which they had a large supply of (I did not thought about it then, but commonly I would go for what they have a low supply, figuring that it is popular, though that contradicts my idea that popular does not equal good). The first think I noticed was that the chestnut paste was the kind of very dense chestnut paste that I'm not that into,so I was not optimistic, but as I dug deeper, I got to the hard, thick base, which was challenge to cut through, but could. Once I got the biscuit, whipped cream, and chestnut paste in proper proportion, the cake worked well for me, and I quickly decided that it was actually definitely excellent. In the end, I was curious about it and wanted to compare it to other mont-blanc, which is the definition of great cake, so this ended up being great, in much part because at the beginning it did not seem like it was going to me. Of course, whether it can stand of to competition or whether it works as well eating at home versus in the middle of a jog, remains to be seen (though, actually, this was pretty heavy for a middle of a jog, but I'm not going to hold that against it).

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