Sunday, February 11, 2018

Paris S'éveille: Éclair Pain d'Épieces

Did a run to pick up some photographs of places on the neighborhood running map and also explore how far I can get toward Jiyuugaoka running "continuously" (as I get toward Shibuya, the degree to which one can really run on pedestrian bridges decreases, because other people actually need to use them, but these still constitute potentially exercise equivalent to running, though I wonder whether I should go back on not including underpass tunnels). I walked from crossing Yamanote-doori, just because I had already run over an hour and so that I coudl focus on where I was. Ultimately I was stopped around Yuutenji, so still three stations out, though I cut south toward Meguro-doori part way, which I need to do eventually, and went back to running from there to Jiyuugaoka.

I wanted to use the weekend to get something that would be difficult to get during the week, as well as take photos, so I was back at Paris S'éveille earlier than I usually would (usually I won't return within the week unless something is leaving the lineup). I have an excellent shop that I could get a fifth cake from, but really I'm not that close to that being a priority, so tomorrow I'm planning just to go to Tokyo Midtown, which I could go to any time, so that I can look at neighborhood locations in Roppongi and take some pictures.

The cake today was Éclair Pain d'épieces, which is in shape of an éclair but uses spice bread as the crust,chocolate cream as the filling with pieces of fig and orange confit (a combination they like, but I've been waiting about year from the corresponding tart to come back to the lineup). It was excellent, though it's probably benefiting a bias toward this shop and toward usual cake types (the latter at least being defensible).

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