Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Yoshinori Asami: Royal Chocolate

Did a very slow 1.5 km to the starting point of the Gaien course, partially intentionally and partially just I was really having trouble, because of my left knee and because I was not running toward cake. But when it came time to really run, I could do two laps (2.65 km total) very fast, which was the main goal for today. After that, I went to my start point (NW corner) for the Akasaka Palace course, did half a loop, and then went down to Akasakamitsuke and on to the Inner Moat course, which is 3.33 km and done at a moderate speed. Once around the Inner Course (taking the 5.1 km path) was also moderate, and then back to Akasakamitsuke and to where I left off the Akasaka Palace course to finish that lap, from where I took the unnecessarily hilly route up to Gaien Walk, following it only as far as the Lawson 100 on Shinjuku Street, which is 4.91 km and was very slow. Oddly, although my knee bothers me when I start running, running very fast sort of numbed it out and although it gave me trouble later, it didn't mind the hills at the end. Then walking home after shopping, though, was the worst, so it's stopping and starting that is a problem. Feels okay now. So about 17.5 km, which took a lot of time, so I can't run that far the next too days, because I really need to get some stuff done at home that isn't getting done.

The cake for today was from P. Yoshinori Asami, which is visiting Isetan in their newly expanded space, with really big display cases each holding only one example cake. Seems out of control, but it was crowded before. The cake was the Royal Chocolate for 540 yen. There are a couple fruits on the top, maybe cherries, but I couldn't tell, and a raspberry layer. Then there is a chocolate mousse layer and I think an almond mouse layer, although I need to go back and check the card. Finally, cake on the bottom. It wasn't hugely sophisticated but a long way from homemade-style, as it should be. It was excellent without really telling me what to expect from other cakes, since I selected the most likely to appeal to my tastes. Anyway, I'll need to get back there while they are convenient, which is until next Tuesday.

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