Monday, March 11, 2019

Sadaharu Aoki, Symphonie

Sunday evening, I decided to try to get the Isetan exclusive cake. I figured it was probably sold out, but if I could get it, I would run. As it happened, they were fully stocked even around 6 pm. Because of the upcoming White Day, they had two registers going and a line set up, but the moved quickly and I wasn't completing with the other people for cake, since they needed gift items, so I could Symphonie, which is a raspberry macaron-style cake with whole raspberries, tea-flavored crème brûlée, and violet cream. For the run, I did a clockwise run around the Tomigaya--Yoyogi loop finally. It's longer than I thought be a little closer, but still is about 10 km total and I took a longer way back to stop by a grocery. Counterclockwise might be harder, as I'm not sure where I'm supposed to turn off the inner street to go to the multi-lane main road on the west side to swing by a church.

The cake was excellent, with the macaron having just the amount of chewiness that I like in a macaron. The filling is not so exciting though, too subtle for me, but there is another macaron cake as a more general seasonal cake at all the shops through April, so I should get that one next week.

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