Sunday, March 17, 2019

En Vedette: Rin

Saturday, despite some worries that I twisted my ankle stretching (I was trying to twist it, in a sense, but not to the point of a slightly burning numbness). There was not pain running, though it felt a little funny, but at the end I was more convinced that I should take a rest. A real sprain takes weeks to heal, so I hope that level of rest is not necessary, because I'm not that patient, but I'll test it small. Anyway, no running (or cake) Sunday. For cake, I got Rin, which seemed interesting. It's obviously matcha (I think it's matcha, or at least some form of green tea) and chocolate. Note sure what else. It's fine/good, but wasn't a good follow-up for Friday's disappointment.

In fact, I'm changing my entire numerical ranking system to simplify it and hopefully make it easier to compare shops that I've had different numbers of cake from. What I really want to know is what's the chance the next cake I get from this shop is great, so in particular I wouldn't worry so much about whether that non-great cakes were actually bad, okay, or just good. JPH comes out at 48% (even after adding 5 good cakes to each shop sample to account for selection bias), whereas supposedly superb B-E comes out at  26%, which is below a few in the next lower category. After I finish catching up on past cake-off wins, I'll probably work my way down through shops that are now at the top of their categories before getting back to reviewing quite good shops, which are going to have the same problem regardless of how I rate shops, because two cakes isn't enough to distinguish which ones should be cut.

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