Sunday, March 10, 2019

Cafe Landtmann: Landtmanntorte

Friday night, I got of work reasonably on time and did a run down to finish confirming the Minami-Aoyama east loop. The first fact meant that this took me by Viking Bakery F while they were still open, so I got half a loaf of Sourdough Bread, which is not something you can get a lot of places. It was definitely good. I toasted it and had it with olive oil, or at least most of it. The picture is at only half way through, after which I shared.

Saturday morning, I went out and just did photo of sites on the map I wanted to confirm. As usually, I found a couple I didn't know about, so the just expanded Roppongi 6 north loop got shrunk a little to take in a temple. I also found a Shuu coffee shop, and some day I'll actually go inside one and find out whether I'm including them for good reason.

I was busy otherwise much of the weekend, but I did go to a the Marunouchi Jean-Paul Hévin Chocolat Bar, which was crowded for the first time ever (perhaps related to them completing the neighboring building, so now there is more people to be walking around that area look for food). They just changed their special, so I went there and had Madeleine Fondue, which is chocolate fondue for
madeleines with whipped cream was excellent. Also had the O de Chocolat Brésil, which was excellent. I also had halves of two chocolate macarons, which is maybe not enough to judge (I'm not sure even a whole macaron is enough to judge) but seemed excellent, the Constanz, which is a Dominican Cacao ganache, and Crioca, which is Brazilian ganache.

Finally, Sunday for lunch, we went to Cafe Landtmann, which is a restaurant in the AO building. Being a restaurant, I wouldn't usually bother with trying to get and review their cake, but they are on the neighborhood course map and they have "Cafe" in their name, so I decided to allow them. It's a fancy place with good atmosphere, both physical and service, but not exceptionally expensive, considering. I got the Landtmanntorte,
figuring that it would be their best, since they've put their name on it, though maybe I should just have considered that other things already had names, so they didn't have the opportunity. Anyway, this has a little chocolate frosting on the outside edge, a top layer of raspberry sauce, more extensive layers of caramel, and a layer of orange cream. The cake part is cinnamon flavor and has an usual consistency, not sponge certainly, but sort of a wet and nutty, maybe, sort of solid without being hard. It was definitely good, but I should have gone with something with more chocolate. The other dessert was not cake, it was Marillen Palatschinken, which the English explains as Viennese apricot pancakes, though they are crêpes, as the Japanese clearly states.

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