Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Cake off: Saya versus Croquant Fraise

Found two great cakes and went for a comparison, but it took a lot of work.

First, I went to Marunouchi Sadaharu Aoki and verified that they had Saya in stock (I knew it was in season, because it's at Isetan and Tokyo Midtown). Next, I went to Dalloyau and found that Croquant Fraise was also in season and bought it. That took 6 km at almost exactly 12 km/h.

Then I went back to the Sadaharu Aoki, but even though they had had three pieces just a short time before, suddenly they were sold out. It was already too late to go to Isetan but Tokyo Midtown is open until 21:00, so I went there. From Dalloyau to Tokyo Midtown via Marunouchi Sadaharu Aoki was 4.7 km at a low 11 km/h. I was successful: they had four pieces of Saya.

Finally, a few kilometers home with two cakes at a low 10 km/h. So 14 km total not particularly slow, and two pieces of cake, which means only one more weekday run (I plan for a 12 km/h training run tomorrow) and no more cake (but I'll try again to get a baguette). I'm busy this weekend, but maybe I can manage to get up early Saturday morning and get another training run in before my first appointment.

In the face-off of these two cakes, I preferred the Croquant Fraise, which has custard, chocolate, strawberry (the common ingredient), caramelized almond slices, and a macaron shell. The Saya is also excellent, but I wouldn't have rated it as great if this were my first time. I am not surprised. I don't expect to like every cake the same amount every time and the line between excellent and great is not so clear. My impression of Saya was that it was too sweet for me. I had it with tea, so maybe next time I get an Sadaharu Aoki cake, I should either have milk or wine (I can imagine eating at least the fruity ones with sparkling wine).

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