Thursday, July 23, 2015

Just a few kilometers

So I said no cakeshop cake today, but I meant I was not going to buy any. If someone else buys it, I'll eat it. Today was a company anniversary and there was surprise cake. The person who chooses the cake really likes strawberry short cake, which is what we got last time, when it was a surprise cake for the president's birthday, only this time from Takagi. It was okay. If you want a little yellow sponge and a lot of white cream with some okay strawberries, Takagi is not bad, but I prefer more taste with my cake and less air. It's so light, and yet it was heavy in my stomach, sitting at my desk.

It was really hot and humid tonight, so I did not follow my somewhat planned course much. It rained for a while, which was not too bad, but it did not do much for the humidity and made me think it would be stupid to be caught far from hope if a lightning storm began, which could still happen. A pack of runners passed me around Akasaka Palace, which was more crowded than normal. For me, though it's not worth getting heat stroke to do hard training. It's get permanently grounded for summer running if that happened. Tomorrow will be hotter during the day, but less cloudy, so maybe it will cool off. Looks like the typhoon will swing around north to the Sea of Japan side and keep things clear but hot here in Tokyo for the next week (and more). I'm busy Saturday morning, so I plan to get up early (or stay up late) and run Sunday morning for the big run this weekend.

I did, by the way, melt a chocolate bar over a cheese tart, which works, but the chocolate is hard and just breaks when you cut into, of course. Can you just put chocolate in the bottom of the tart shell and put the cheese filling on next and bake it normally? Even if it just mixes in, that would still be good, but I've got to deal with the 4 1/4 cheese tarts that I have before I experiment that way.

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