Thursday, August 4, 2016

Sucre-rie: Framboise Chocolat

Walked to a new shop. Speed was definitely around 6 km/h for the first 2 km, but no timing after that. Probably slower the next, while I ate a delicious croissant from P. Shima, and then maybe faster, but slow enough not to strain anything. I'll try farther definitely 6 km/h tomorrow night, if things go as planned.

The shop is Sucre-rie in Nihonbashiningyōchō. Sign on the door at 4:30-ish was that they were sold out of cream puffs, so that is presumably one of their specialties. Not much looked tempting, but a few. I tried Framboise Chocolate, for 500 yen, which is chocolate mousse with raspberry-flavored cream. As chocolate mousse goes, that part was good, though not something I need anymore. The raspberry cream in the middle was sufficiently generous (often you get a tiny amount of cream center in chocolate mousse cakes), but didn't really make it special. Also, it was a little painfully sweet, but I would forgive that, taking into consideration that it could be expected to be eaten with some usual beverage, such as milk or tea, but at the end I hit a tiny piece of bland spongish cake (probably a base), which seemed completely out of place (I would expect something crisp or crunchy), so I'm rating this just okay, so probably will never get back there. This is why going to new places stopped being my main aim.

Got a picture. Should have gotten closer, though don't like to stand in the middle of the street.

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