Saturday, November 14, 2015

Run to Jiyuugaoka, Origines Cacao: Quiza

Ran to Origines Cacao in light rain. This time I got the Quiza for 545 yen, which is a chocolate cake. Maybe the description would tell me more about the construction, but there was a no-photographs sign and I can't remember anything special. The cafe space was closed (didn't go read to sign as to why), but I could eat outside under cover, although it was cold, as I was still in my summer stuff (although next week is supposed to be somewhat warm, possible almost getting up to a summer temperature).

My impression of this cake, like several other chocolate cakes, was that it was a little watery. There were chocolate cream (?) layers between cake and glazing all around (even the bottom was a solid chocolate), so I don't know what that means. I assume that it implies low butter content, but I'm not sure. Anyway, if this was not a shop I've had great cake from, I'd figure it was bad and plan to never go there again, so you and I should keep this in mind when interpreting bad (marked yellow) shops marked on the map.

Rather than try again to get great cake today somewhere else, I scaled down to get some good bread at a great bakery, in this case Andersen at Isetan. Actually, the first item is cake, Denmark Cream Cheese Cake for 216 yen, which was nice. Much more flour than my cheese cake, but then it had a nice tang that mine lacks.

The other was Trekornbrod (sp?) (three grain bread) for 356 yen for a half loaf, which is full of sesame seeds, which I hope to extend to tomorrow, or at least one more meal. This is my favorite non-sweet bread from there. Good with various spreads, toasted or not. Along with my regular breakfast and a big double salad, these baked goods helped me recover from the bad cake. I hope to have better cake luck tomorrow, when the rain is supposed to be less and dissipate in the afternoon, but otherwise I need to get over to Pierre Hermé Paris again.

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