Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Bien-être, Houjicha Tarte Chocolat

Monday, I did muscle training inside and baked fondant/moelleux chocolat, which I did not do perfectly correctly, but good enough to be worth doing even if I don't improve it. I chilled the batter for the cake too much and maybe pushed the ganache part too deeply, as the fondant version leaked through the bottom, though no trouble with the moelleux version, which I used molds for, so I'll try again when I can buy more chocolate and post a picture here if they turn out better. After that, I'll start modifying the recipe to make darker chocolate (omit milk and maybe some of the sugar from the ganache, and maybe reduce the butter in the cake part). Of course, I recognize that the quality of the chocolate (and probably the cream and butter, if I want to worry about them) matter, so I'll be tempted to upgrade those once I get the construction down.

Tuesday, I went out to Bien-être, since I say that they had three new cakes over the weekend. I was surprised that they had all three in stock, since they tend to sell out. It was not like they were not busy when I went, at least in the café, though parfait seem to be the main attraction. I choose the Houjicha Tarte Chocolat, versus season versions of things I've had before. The tea taste was not too strong, but enough that it harmonized with the chocolate to create a different taste. The quality was good and I would say that it was excellent. I had a sequence of five potential back-ups that I could probably have checked in sequence and caught them open, if I had needed them, and recalled another on the way back, though that one might have thrown off my time enough that I couldn't make all five of the others. Maybe next time. I've almost brought Bien-être up to the target level, but I'll need those other two cakes.

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