Tuesday, June 20, 2017

En Vedette: Saint Marc Pistache

Finally got over to En Vedette in Miyoshi, Koto-ku. Can't say how long I ran, but about 2 hours at a low speed, so probably 9 km/h, or that at least would match the distance and estimated time. Got a little lost both ways (didn't take the same way back, as I stopped by at a few places along the way, for research). I got the Saint Marc Pistache (518 yen), which is what you would expect, except that there is a thin red layer under the chocolate cream that did not have much impact--I would guess cherry, since that's commonly paired with pistachio. It was creamy and it was definitely good, but didn't really excite me, so big plan to go back again. Nice looking little shop though, and I like the neighborhood, other than the low elevation (which is also true of Ginza), but not particularly convenient for me, which is why it's taken quite a while to get around to it.

Coming back, I went the north way around the Inner Moat course, where this time of day is mostly high school students, though they've gotten pretty ahead of me. Further up, there were a couple tourists, because of north exits for the East Gardens.

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