Thursday, December 8, 2016

Frédéric Cassel: Pure Euphoria

Wednesday, I did a training run which included running to Midtown and just a couple laps around the Meiji Jingu Gaien loop (which had a lot of people out, or was that Thursday). I was little worried about my knees through Tuesday, because I'm near my limit (not from an injury, just my general limit), but stretching was kept me just good enough so far. The training run was to try 11 km/h, which I was trying to do two 300 m stretches of, but it leaked over into 12 km/h on the second one. Other parts gave me 5.5 km of 10 km/h running, with a tiny bit at 9 km/h (it was supposed to be 8 km/h, for the intervals, but didn't managed to switch to that slow). It was a cake rest day (a lie: actually I made and ate pistachio dacquoise, which didn't come out perfect, but was very good).

Today, I ran to Ginza for Frédéric Cassel and got something that might have been named Pure Euphoria; all I can remember is that it began "Puru" (in Japanese) and ended "foria" or maybe "fonia" (it's complete slipping from my mind). I'll have to get back there this month with a pen if I want to find out (no photographs in the store). It's 756 yen, which is pretty standard, and is a vanilla white chocolate heart with strawberry cream inside (I think), despite the somewhat tart raspberry on top. Of course, to be a heart, it has to have enough gelatin (or be lighter than it was), which I tried to get beyond, but the rest was not really anything special, though maybe good, I suppose. The running was 9.5 km and I messed up my timing on the way back, so I don't know what my speed is on that shorter part (I took the long way there and stopped for groceries coming back), but the longer part was 10 km/h, so I'm just recording it all as that.

Frédéric Cassel needed a great cake to stay in the top spot with As a result, I have to bust them down a rank, which leaves on Jean-Paul Hevin and Henri le Roux on top. Frédéric Cassel will have to settle for being in the second tier with Au Bon Vieux Temps, Dalloyau, Paris S'eveille, Pierre Hermé, and Sadahaur Aoki. As a result, I probably won't be back there so soon.

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