Saturday, April 13, 2019

Cake-off: Paris S'éveille's Giverny over Sadaharu Aoki's Cheese Cake Citronné

Thursday, I verified another neighborhood running course loop by bicycle, this time the longer and more distant Tomigaya--Yoyogi loop, counterclockwise. The problem is I turned early toward the end, but checking the map, that's probably a better route anyway, so I should practice that version clockwise next. There was no cake, nor was there cake Friday, though I also rode that day, out to Ginza Mitsukoshi to confirm that F. Cassel has their Fraisier, which I'll put in a cake-off if I had a suitable match for it (either because something else becomes available or I'm able to get another great cake for a 1-round cake-off and the loser survives).

Saturday, I did a cake-off with, once again, a cake from Paris S'éveille, Giverny. Actually, this one lost one of two rounds, when I also questioned whether it belonged in the great list. As it's appointed a picked a cake that similar has lost one round and coincidentally I questioned it's inclusion, Cheese Cake Citronné  from Sadaharu Aoki. So the same situation as last weekend, which surprised me, as I did not think there were so many such cakes. I stopped by ABVT again and verified before things started selling out that they really don't make what would have been the cake-off cake any more before heading to Paris S'éveille. I'll go back to Paris S'éveille again tomorrow for a new cake, which wasn't out yet, so I confirmed that I'll probably want to arrive around 11 pm, since it's apparently a time-consuming cake to make. I'll cross my fingers that it's great so I that I can get in some first- and second-round cake-offs.

Finally, the cake-off: Cheese Cake Citronné is definitely excellent, and convenient, but I guess it really doesn't need to be on the great list. Giverny, which is also a mind fruity cake, is definitely more interesting, so it takes the win and stays, despite being a little worse for wear from the journey by bicycle. Sadaharu Aoki will also get another visit soon, however, as they have chocolate croissants and I've never had one but I've had a couple excellent croissant from them. I have to wait until next Wednesday, though since they're only available Wed-Sat.

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