Saturday, January 14, 2017

Maison D'ahni: Iéna

Got down to Maison D'ahni for the first time (at least going inside). Had a little trouble, since streets around there tend to split and merge a lot, though the reason for all the cops is all the embassies (also lots of foreigners), particularly families that time of day (around noon). My point is I am somewhat guessing where I mistook my timing due to crossing the wrong way and an intersection and needing to wait for an extra light change. Still, I'm pretty sure I was averaging 11 km/h there (and definitely 10 km/h back). On the way back, a (American) guy who had just said "hey" or something to a family cycling out of a building that Google Maps doesn't identify or give street views for ran after me a bit and asked whether I was exercising and doing delivery at time same time, so I explained that it was my own cake. He said that was "awesome", which was nice and maybe I should have directed him to my blog, but I realized afterward that he could be weird guy just chatting with anyone who came buy, since it wasn't clear whether the family that he had said something to him actually knew him (they and I were both busy). Not that he seemed weird otherwise, maybe just curious about what weird stuff goes on in Japan.

The cake I chose was Iéna (イエナ; 561 yen), which was layered chocolate (-almond?) biscuit with chocolate and plain whipped cream layers as filling and the whole thing covered with a chocolate coating with nuts. The same chocolate whipped cream appears on top, along with some caramelized hazelnuts. It was definitely good, but the whipped cream layers were much thinker than the biscuit layers, which is not my idea of cake (too light). The chocolate coating just gave it more of a snack cake feel, though it probably helped keep it together on the run. Still, good cake that looks nice, just not enough to get me back there soon.

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