Saturday, January 21, 2017

Doutor: Ganache

The title is somewhat facetious, as Doutur (Coffee Shop) is a typical Japanese chain coffee shop, and their Ganache (220 yen?) is a tiny square barely pretending to be cake, though, of course, that is basically what it is. I'll say it's okay, which is better than I feared, and might be better than their usual cake. The only reason I mention it is for completeness (so even if I starting doing all cafés, Detour is covered now), and because I did not have anything else today. Tomorrow, if I can get them, I'll try to get two pieces of real cake that I thought last time were great and evaluate them in comparison with each other.

The running was interval training again, and it was hard, harder than it needed to be. It's difficult to be precise timing oneself by wristwatch chronometer on short distances, so I'm still not very consistent. I was trying for eight 300 or 325 m 13.0+ km/h intervals. The first just missed it, so I overcompensated for the next ones. I did get my eight 13.+ km/h intervals, but in the process I got six 14.0+ km/h intervals and one 15.0+ km/h i
ntervals, so I'm okay on 13.0+ and 14.0+ km/h training for now, but I'd like to do a total of at least 600 meters in intervals at 15.0+ km/h, and I may need to do longer intervals at 13.0 km/h to ever get consistent. First I'll try ten of the current-length ones, but I should do 5 full laps at 12.0+ km/h first, when the budget allows. I want to do a couple actual running to cake shops first, at reasonable speeds.

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