Saturday, January 7, 2017

Jean-Paul Hévin: Voyage

Decided to go to Jean-Paul Hévin in Marunouchi. I could go there on a day after work, but I didn't want to wait until next week and needed a not too long run for today. The plan (which I didn't actually consult beyond where I was going) was to stay around 10 km/h, but actually I was on the high side of 12 km/h going out the long way down through Meiji Jingu Gaien (6.2 km). That suggests that my next planned training run of 4 laps (5.3 km) is unnecessary, although there is about a 0.5% net downgrade into Marunouchi (although there is also a significant upward slope after passing through Akasaka) so I may not try to accelerate things. Coming back was naturally uphill, though I took the short route and stopped for groceries, so only 4.1 km at 11 km/h. I'm still okay budget-wise for tomorrow's run, even assuming 1 km/h faster than my last trip down past Oyamadai, but I'll need to shorten Monday's run, so maybe another training run with intervals or I'll go somewhere close, depending on how tomorrow works out (rain could shut me down).

The case, which I ate in, was Voyage (ヴォワヤージ, 639 yen), with is the usual relative simple (for multiple layers of mousse and biscuit), only with some raspberry sauce, though not enough that I could identify it by taste. It was definitely good, and I think it's fair to stretch that to excellent, but not a standout for them.

I'll include here that I visited Maison Kayser again last night, this time getting the Pain au Chocolat (パンオショコラ; 302 yen). Previously, I haven't been that impressed with this traditional form, maybe because it is not a chocolate/sugar bomb like I used to look for, but I've learned to appreciate layered pastry and the amount of chocolate seems right to me now.

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