Saturday, August 4, 2018

Saturday update

As planned, I went out and hit the neighborhood running course and finished revisiting some parts. I finished revisiting the Sendgaya central and Jinguumae north loops, though I have to traverse parts of both of these to get anywhere remaining. Down on the bit of the Kita-Aoyama--Jinguumae--Shibuya loop, I got a Chocolate Croissant from The Little Bakery Tokyo, which I've newly added. It was definitely good, though the outside was a little tough and the center was denser than I expected, so it was a little bagel-like. I also will add a picture to the map after this.

It took 50 minutes to cross the road from Yoyogi west, so that gives me a benchmark of how easy it is going to be to expand my running northeast (by doubling back). Today, though, was about filling in to the south on this side of Yamanote Line. I also got the same type of pastry, under the usual name of Pain au Chocolat from 15°C, which I still need a picture from (the shop, not the pastry). This was better, much more airy inside and the patterning is obviously more tradition, though still a little tough on the outside, so perhaps its just the heat. I found it interesting that the lines of chocolate inside weren't symmetric (one was in the middle and one was above and on one side, which made it seemed more handmade. Also definitely good, though I didn't eat it until was on my way back (at about 95 minutes).

Had to check a fork on the Hatagaya-Motoyoyogichou-Nishihara-Tomigaya-Uehara loop, since it's been a while, and I overshot the new turn on the Kamiyama-chou--Shouto loop, but doubled back and could complete revisited that loop, as well as the little Udagawa-chou loop for the Shibuya Viron, so mission accomplished. I ran all the way back (except stopping at Yoyogi Park to eat the second pastry) and had a total run a little over 115 minutes and seem okay.

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