Thursday, September 29, 2016

P. Maison Douce: Trevi (?)

Got my cake from Isetan. This week (starting yesterday) P. Maison Douce is visiting from way out in Hachioji City, which is perhaps farther away than I've ever gone for cake, even when I could run 50+ km. The rain mostly held off today and I ran around Meiji Gaien. I'm down to just walking the first 0.3 km and then I ran somewhat slowly to the track and around the starting marker. Then  and did one full lap (1.325 km) at 8 km/h. The second full lap, I did 200 m each at 7, 9, 8, 7, 9, and 8 km/h, with the 8 km/h sort of high stepping, so it might have actually been the greatest work out. Then I ran to Lawson 100 for shopping, ending up not much under 8 km/h, even with a hill) and walked back. Overall, I had about 1 km walking, 2 km at 7 km/h, 3.5 km at 8 km/h, and of course 0.4 km at 9 km/h, which was a new speed to try and seems okay for my body. My weighted median speed is staying just barely in the 7 km/h category, but it's almost at 8 km/h, where I'm doing most of the running now. I'll keep decreasing the walking, but round trip to Ginza is still farther than I'm ready to do just running. I did max about 6 km this week, so I'll try maybe 8 km next week. Tomorrow, though I'll probably take off so I've got some budget for the weekend. I want to cycle back to Au Bon Vieux Temp and was going to go to Port Bonheur, but I might just got back to Isetan for Maison Douce cake and run locally again. Port Bonheur is accessible on weekdays (I've read), so no hurry. And it's about 8 km round trip.

The cake is maybe Trevi (phonetically, it is To-re-vi), which seems Italian. "Tres Vie" would be two French words, but wouldn't make any sense. It was only 440 yen before tax, I think, so quite reasonable. This time, I did look carefully at the cakes before selecting, but this was marked "Specialty" and "Award winner", so it was an easy choice. It is milk chocolate mousse flavored with orange, with some chocolate sponge inside, so it doesn't collapse, and a base of fairly large nut pieces, I think almond. This was great cake, so I do need to get back there before they become out of reach again.

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