Thursday, September 22, 2016

Mont St. Clair: C'est la Vie

Today, I repeated Sunday's experience of not getting cake from the same two unsampled shops (it would have nice for P. le R Cinq to tell me that they were closed holidays rather than just telling me that they were open Monday thru Friday when I stopped by last, but maybe they meant only Mondays thru Fridays, not promising to be open any particular Mondays thru Fridays). Also, the rain continues, so no actual running, just 7.6 km of walking on that particular trip, returning by train with cake-making goods. I don't include a shorter, less-intense but more shopping-intensive trip in the afternoon, which included giving Mont St. Clair at Isetan another chance by buying the C'est la Vie, for 581 yen. Supposedly a specialty, it has pistachio cream inside sandwiching chocolate cream with raspberry. Could only taste a weak raspberry. Everything else seemed to get canceled out, which is not my idea of harmony. It was still okay, but a waste of ingredients. Looks like I won't need to worry about visiting them again.

In baking news, the macaron shells seriously cracked again, which didn't used to be a problem: I'm getting worse, maybe over mixing. I can try shortening the waiting time. I played with baking shorter but using higher heat at the beginning, which I didn't do last time, when I'm not sure what I did, but not that.

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