Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Blondir: Tentation

Ran again today. My left knee was still not happy, but it was not happy at the beginning after a day of office work, so I ran anyway and it didn't get any worse, nor is the discomfort where I was having trouble initially there. This run was under 7 min/km, so a little faster than I intended and went 3.9 km, which was a little farther than I intended but still okay: still only 7 km in three days, so I'm on track for 15 km this week.

Since there was a new visiting shop at Isetan, I went there first and got Tentation (?) for 518 yen. At first, I thought it was pretty good, but my opinion faded afterward. It's rhubarb I think (the website is pretty useless and does not even have store hours, nor does the business card they were handing out: I think they just moved), with pistachio cake underneath maybe, although the sweet red fruit taste dominated and the texture was okay for mousse on the top and a soft bottom (it's leaning toward the camera, but it was that way when they gave it too me). Ultimately, I'm less satisfied than with a seven-eleven donut, but I'm going to stick with my average impression, which is it is just good. Maybe it is not fair, when I like chocolate and nuts, but I had a Great rhubarb cake from Toshi Yoroizuka, which was what was on my mind when I picked it.

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