Ran under 5 km yesterday. No pain before or during, but some heel soreness afterward, and I've decided that I need to take that more seriously even though its barely bothering me. I really want to get it completely healed, which takes a long time, so I'm to try to stick to cycling and avoid climbing or even walking that puts extra strain on my right foot, as well as doing more frequent stretches and I even iced it last night (which I'm skeptical about, but I should research again.
Anyway, I cycled to The Bake to day for pastry before doing some food shopping. For the first time, I bought a giant can of chopped tomatoes (2550 g) and froze most of it rather than buying six regular sized (400 g) cans. I've been told to eat fish regular, so i do, but my go-to canned fish seems to being disappearing from my regular suppliers, which I figured would eventually happen as the ocean gets fished out.

Anyway, I got a Pain au Chocolat, the last pastry they had, from The Bake. It was definitely good. It was less crisp than I'm usually looking for, but I didn't think that bothered me, except at the end I felt it need more chocolate or something (like pistachio). Eventually, even at just 2 a week, I'll get around to reviewing the best ones, but I still have four more local places to hit for a first pastry. Even if start running again by then, I don't think there will be any new pastry places soon, so I can finish off the line-ups at the best places.
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