Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Cake-off: Fiorentina Pastry Boutique's Estate over Lenôtre's Concerto

Had the afternoon off and collected cakes by bicycle and then did a little running, still on a 3:7 walking:running ratio and totaling only 34 minutes of running, but it had been 10 days, so it seemed like enough. If I'm reasonably okay tomorrow, depending on the weather, I'll trying running to Ginza instead of using a bicycle.
While at Ginza today, earlier than last evening I was there, I check Origines Cacao and they do have some actual cakes that I've had among their seasonal cakes, so I need to keep visiting, which is my plan for Wednesday and Thursday.

The running was just down to confirm some newly added sites on the way to two small new loops, the Jinguumae 5 loop counterclockwise, to complete the Harjuku south clump and the Jinguumae--Kita-Aoyama south loop (on which I could not find and Kiri café), to complete the Omotesandou west lump.  I also confirmed a Natural Lawson on the Kita-Aoyama central loop has fresh baked goods worth adding them (no changes to the route required) but that the Streamer Expresso on the Minami-Aoyama north loop does not. Next I need to do the Shibuya east loop and check out some sites around there, but the next loop will be clear back redoing the huge main loop around Akasaka (which I did only by bicycle), since I've found another bakery in the middle that I need to swing around, and possible split off a little loop north of Tokyo Midtown to include a Natural Lawson.

Both the cakes today were recent new ones I'm not completely competent about, so comparing them to each other didn't tell me a whole lot. The chocolate one, Concerto, from Lenôtre was still really nice, but for variety, I'm choosing the white chocolate and pistachio and citrus fruit (I think) Estate from the Fiorentina Pastry Boutique. I still will go to Lenôtre first, because I've only had one cake from them and they are the backup for Origines Cacao now (though I noticed another Ginza 6 cake shop, so when I need a new place as a backup, I can use that, or the pie shop there, if I can wait for cake), but next in priority is another from Fiorentina, though we're coming up on the end of the month, so I'll have to check JPH and Sadaharu Aoki soon. Before that, I'll try to get Estate into a second-round cake-off this weekend with En Vedette.

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