Sunday, November 1, 2020

Pierre Gagnaire, Mousse au Chocolat au Lait

Sunday, I didn't feel a need to get up early. Actually, I didn't get out until about 10 am. My goal was Pierre Gagnaire, but I started southwest rather than southeast because I wanted to try to get something from an unsampled shop over in the Omote-Sandou west area for bread. Went by Neko Neko Cheesecake, which I should sample for cake now that's not Neko Neko Shokupan, so maybe the gourmet sliced bread boom has faded. Actually, I had two targets for bread along Aoyama-doori, though I ended up getting a Croissant au Chocolat instead one of them, the bakery counter at a grocery store, Kinokuniya International, which has a super slow checkout line because of the extensive packing and general carefulness. The pastry was good, but it's a relief that it wasn't better, giving me a reason to go back. Some day I should see what the selection of chocolate bars is there.

I'm two cakes behind on Pierre Gagnaire because their line-up is tiny and rarely changed, and actually didn't even include both posted cakes, at least not that I ever saw, and I even asked once. Now they had one different cake I've had before, a couple standards, and two cakes new to me. I went with the Mousse au Chocolat au Lait (can't guarantee the auxiliaries), which is milk chocolate mousse in a hard shell. I can tell from the beginning that it was definitely good, as good as any milk chocolate mousse I've had, as far as I can remember, but even with just one cake, a cup of tea wasn't sufficient to get me all the way through this. I know that I've saturated on plain chocolate mousse even years ago, so I should have prepared more. I guess I need to start buying milk for cake, instead of relying only on tea. As I said, it was definitely good, but there was more than enough for me, at least without something varying it. 

In the afternoon, I was back around JR Harajuku Sta. to see what Aux Bacchanales might be like on a weekday (no line), what's in Eataly (short line and a couple brands of chocolates, as well as cookies), and where the heck the elevator that gets you to the Shiseido Parlor (elevators on the lower floors only cover the lower floors). Also, Trip Port Sweets seems to be reorganizing itself (there were people in there discussing something and the upper floors of the building are closed now, though maybe they were always closed).


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