I was busy this weekend and before, preparing, so I'm days behind. I'll mention first that Friday was a run without cake, as promised. I verified that my adjusted course through southeast Sendagaya was reasonable. I did check my map once, but sine it confirmed what I suspected, I shouldn'T have any trouble with the new part.

Saturday was cycling. It was colder and wetter than I would have liked. I need to dress a little warmer next time, though I was much heavier dressed than I would for a run that did not involve snow. The goal was to visit Yu Sasage and see weather a cake I had in august would be available for my next cake-off, which it won't back, so I've have to rearrange my line-ups. I'm down to just a few cakes that are available, but I'm I'll only do one before December, when I except some new cakes will be available (Viron told me to expect one and Jean-Paul Hévin still has a number of things that I did not get to last time around.

The nearest new recommend place was Dono, which is a vegetable café, but I decided that I'd give them a try. It was good that I was running late, because I had written down that they open at 10, but they actually open 11, and they did not open on time. They are in middle of a complex of city government buildings, sort of like a juice stand in a quarry. However, there was a group picking up prepared lunches for some group before me, so apparently even on a Saturday, some people find them. There were only a few cakes. Actually, I choice the Caramel Poire rather than one of the actual vegetable ones (I can only remember clearly one cake than mine, but there might have been some sort of roll cake). The pear gelatin put up more resistance to my fork than expected, but the texture turned out to be okay. It took most of the cake to decide, but ultimately I resolved that it was good cake. It was less than 200 kcal, so pretty low sugar for caramel, but that worked in its favor, so they have my respect even if I prefer much more decadent cake.
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