Had planned to finally do that 7-min pace 20 km run, but had to work late again today. Instead I just went down to Midtown and circled around through Motoakasaka. I went there because I had gone to Isetan for an éclair, though not the one I got, Sadaharu Aoki's Éclair Mâcha, which is excellent, though chewier than I expected (which was not chewy at all, so not a big change). Anyway, at Isetan they told me that the Mont D'or was on its last day, after they had just resumed selling cakes following Valentines Day, it had felt. At midtown I asked the same questions about line-up changes and instead they told me that the Mont D'or was ending the beginning of March, but wouldn't say that today was the last day, though the other outgoing cake is over today. So another day, another change in plans for the next cake-off. I guess I'll try Midtown for Mont D'or first, though that has me leaving home dangerously late, and ask them about the Marunouchi shop's supply, if necessarily. Otherwise, I'll need to get to Jiyuugaoka and come back to Isetan hoping to catch their soon ending Violet.
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