Yesterday, my left foot hurt more than I wanted it to, so I also quit running immediately. Instead, I put up with it and shorted my course. Not sure that it was a good choice, but there's always of pain of no doing anything as well as not doing enough. I blame my walking after Sunday's run, since I've run double the distance without that problem, but I still plan to keep my next long run to 30 km again and see if I can take better care of my feet. So Monday I went to Délifrance at Akasaka (though maybe the one at Omotesandou would have been closer, but I didn't know about that one) and got the croissant. They have lots of good looking pastries on their website, but this was a no-layer croissant, and not completely fresh, though buttery, so I'm going to say that it was just ok. Maybe it was good as bread, but I have to draw the line somewhere and even among croissant that don't do layering of the crust, this was nothing special.

Tuesday, still more pain than I appreciated in my left, so Monday's resolve held, but it was clearly better so I was more confident, but ran slowly and careful of my feet, even more so coming back, which I walked and could really see how bad I am at walking fast (one of the reasons I had to switch to running). I finally got back to Frédéric Cassel. There was a monthly cake I was interested, but they keep having interesting alternatives, which this time I went with: Éclair Chocolat Manto. Not sure about what Manto means, maybe Spainish/Portuguese for Mantle, though it might be related to something Mayan, since that was what the description starts mentioning. This is chocolate made from cacao from the Xibun plantation in Belize with a kind of mint (again, I confront a childhood flavor nemesis). It was definitely good but not exciting, so I don't need to jump at the next éclair, which I wanted to be crispier for some reason, which probably wasn't reasonable. The mint was fine, and just a little as promised.
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