I seemed to have recovered from the tiredness of lass weekend. Might be from sleeping late. The actual run was nicer, too. As planned (though I deviated from the course somewhat), I followed close to the Keio line south of the main road rather than using the main road or using the old main road further north. It was so much nicer without all the car noise that I should always use that route, though it added an extra 1 km (though that will decrease slightly if I follow the planned route better). I could go faster (consistently 9 km/h) and still have the energy to run from the cake shop to the station and then from Shinjuku Station home rather than walking like yesterday. Total distance was 15 km.

The cake was Princess, which was a random choice, it just being just the first thing left to right that I hadn't had before. It's red peach, pistachio, and a tea biscuit. The crunchy biscuit was the best part, though the macaron was also very good. Otherwise, it was just a soft fruity cake, I'll say good, but not anything special. Yu Sasage was the lowest in the Quite Excellent list, and this gets it bumped down just Excellent. I'm holding off on replacing it until I get caught up on the newer additions.
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