Yesterday was training without cake (cached for a second future cake-off). I ran up and down a slope fast for about 14 min and then around the same neighborhood trying to familiar myself with it (I did to a point and then got lost) and seeing whether there are better slopes nearby (probably not, except the one between two stations that might be too busy that I already knew about), for a total of about 40 minutes. The non-cake was a sablé from Jean-Paul Hévin: Sablé Viennois Nougatine, which is a cookie with an almond-brittle center and undercoating of chocolate. Definitely excellent, so I'll try their other similar sablé.
Over the outer moat toward Hibiya. |
Today, I got back to a recent priority, Éclat des Jours. I had a fairly good run, almost exactly 10.0 km/h for the 10+ km going out, but with lots of stops for lights. I u need to stop for fewer lights (by ignoring the unnecessary ones). This time I got Azelia, which was a little risky. This is peanut mousse covered in caramel on a chocolate and whole peanut tarte. I'm not generally in favor of peanuts as a cake ingredient and caramel doesn't always work out, but I was willing to give it a try. I told them it would take 100 min (I meant to say 80), and they put three ice packs in it (so I think their service is great, too). Still, the caramel was looking a little melty around the edges, so the extra ice was probably not wasted, but it was fine. Going back was just above 8.5 km/h, which is fine carrying cake. Tried to take a couple pictures with the cheap phone.
Night view from main bridge on route. |

The cake was excellent, I think, certainly I had no problems with the peanuts or the caramel, which were both to my liking. I was expecting a richer chocolate, ganache maybe, rather than something more biscuit-like, but you generally need something to soak up extra moisture from mousse, seems like, so this was probably a structural requirement. Even though this third cake didn't reach the great level, this remains a top priority as a still little explored quite excellent shop.
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