Made another visit to Il Pleut sur la Seine on Sunday and ate in. We got the Bouchon, which may be an eat-in only option, but was not marked so this time, and Mille-Feuille, which is eat in only. The Mille-Feuille was great, I think. The clever bit was they pre-sliced the two and middle layers, so it was easy to eat while still retaining the "leaves". The Bouchon is the standard rum-soaked sponge cake (with some sort of glaze or something on the outside which didn't affect the taste or texture directly), which I don't really get, though it was good enough I suppose. So this shop is at least excellent. However, the service was not perfect, in terms of manners in terms of the café side, though that isn't really part of the calculations.
Actually, I haven't included eat-in only cake in the terms of Verron, but their take-out and eat-in are just completely separate, so it makes more sense to separate my evaluation there, whereas I'll include eat-in cakes for this shop and JPH, for example.

There was running, but not until Monday, which I took off. I've been having knee problems, so I'm working on new exercises (need to loosen up my thigh muscles, perhaps) and I didn't try to go fast, but did about 16 km at an average of 10 km/h. I was doing some non-cake shopping, but also visited Lettre d'Amour, investigating for future great cake cake-offs, but I might have simply looked online and seen that they finally closed last month (I always wondered how they stayed open with as little business as they seemed to do onsite), so that's two great cakes that I've lost, though they might reappear in some form at a future date. Instead of a pastry at Lettre d'Amour I got an overly dry cinnamon bum from the Dean and Deluce on Aoyama Avenue. I guess I should have microwaved or steamed it a little bit or something.
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