Sunday, February 23, 2020

Tokyo viennoiserie: Caffe Pascucci and Pierre Hermé

Sunday, did a long morning run to Aobadai to practice a new loop counterclockwise. On the way, I made my first stop at a new brand of shops in Tokyo, Caffe Pascucci (the Japan flagship store in Kitaaoyama, though the other two are also within the same Tokyo running neighborhood). I got the Saccottini al Cioccolato, which is different from a typical Pain au Chocolat as it's not trying to to have big flakes on the outside. The main texture is similar and it's more compact and less messy, so I can say that it was excellent.

Was successful at the loop, which is tiny and simple. I circled back, stopping at Fukuras (which has at least one interesting high-end dessert shop, besides coffee shops and a tapioca tea shop). Went to Isetan for cake, which I'll post separately, but since it was morning and I'm reviewing all the pastries, I also picked up plain Croissant from Pierre Hermé, who I dismissed after two a while back. As it happens, my opinion of them stands: its well made enough that I have to admit it's good, but suited for some sort of spread rather than to be eaten alone.

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