The Mont-Blanc as actually good, better than I expected, though not distinctive. The Marron Shortcake was also good, even compared to other fruitcakes. Two good cakes makes this a fine shop, though about know a couple hundred of those, so no hurry to go back.
I tried running to Ginza Mitsukoshi later and would have gotten cake for a cake-off if they hadn't been sold out, but I wasn't really surprised that they were. On the way back, I did two new tiny loops clockwise, the Akasaka 3 loop and the Yotsu north loop, both added because of having St. Marc Cafe shops. Actually, there is another just north of the street-level Akasaka 3 loop, but I can't even add that as part of a loop without messing up some other part of the map, so I just have to run a link along there.
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