For running, I went down to work on the loops replacing the Jinguumae--Kita-Aoyama--Shibuya loop. On the way, it's looking more doubtful that BAKERY CAFE 426 OMOTESANDO will return, but I don't want to revise that loop again, so I'm holding off until I see what's next at that location. Across the street, I got the revised Jinguumae 5 & 6 loop clockwise and am reasonably happy with it, but I won't replace the old loop and update connecting parts until I confirm counterclockwise. The Jinguuemae--Kita-Aoyama south loop next to it failed, due to an overlooked traffic signal, and I'm gong to have to further split it, into two loops. The Dominique Ansel Bakery there has closed, but it doesn't affect things because there are two other sites on the same street. That's why I need so many loops: it's a maze with lots of sites close together. I went down an did the Jinguumae--Shibuya loop clockwise, no problem. It's a biggest loop but mostly simple, though very zigzaggy next to the UN University and I'm not sure whether it will be harder counterclockwise. The running was at a 5:9 ratio walking:running. So even though I ended up doing only a little over 45 minutes of actual running, it was compressed in a shorter amount of time, though I also maybe didn't work myself as hard on the 1 min fast stretches as last time.
The tart turned about to be nice, and I'll rate it excellent for presentation and concept, but maybe my sweet tooth needed more caramel in it to be ideal for me.
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