Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Cake-off: Paris S'éveille's Théâtre Over Très Calme's Pistache Apricot

Took the afternoon off and ran down to Jiyuugaoka. No rain, so I took a couple pictures to fill in the neighborhood running map and give me some intermediate goals. Also, since I hadn't had lunch yet, I got a Pain au Noisette et Chocolat from the underground Jean François at Omotesandou Station. It was good, but I was wishing for a tighter layering and the hazelnuts weren't have much of an effect, though the filling wasn't bad, and I've had some bad Pain au Chocolat for that reason, so the hazelnuts might be an improvement.

My goal was to get the Saint Honoré Caramel from Paris S'éveille, which seems to be hardest amount accessible ones, so I wasn't surprised that I failed. I had to go with my third choice (just based on it's calendar order in the list), which was Théâtre, their chocolate mousse in shell cake. I took the train back to Isetan and got the Pistache Apricot, taking advantage of Très Calme still being there, at least until Thursday (Friday is a new shop visiting only 5 days, so I'll want to go on Friday). I suppose I could have planned for the Mont-Blanc, but that's always going to be in the line-up.

These are both great cakes, but I'm giving the win to the chocolate cake. What can I say: I'm predictable. It's still early in the third round, so this is only the fourth cake-off of that round between two undefeated cakes, but Théâtre is currently my top chocolate cake at this level. There's a lot of chance in that, so hopefully I can pit it against another chocolate cake next time. 

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