The October Fetish at Pierre Hermé is already available, and it is chestnut and pear. I got the tart version, Tarte Hommage. Supposedly, it's whipped cream (flavored with chestnut and pear compote), though it seemed thicker at the temperature that I ate it and I'm not really sure that I would want it whipped-cream soft, so I'm not regretting so much that I didn't give it more time to warm up. It was a lot like pie, which is not necessarily bad but not what I'm usually looking for. In the end, I've decided that it was excellent.

For running, I worked on my neighborhood routes and finally finished the one between Yotsuya Sanchoume, Shinanomachi, and Yotsuya Stations without mistake, which is about a 5.6 km by itself and goes up and down steep slopes or stairs several times. Together with being sore from yesterday's run and the rain, 8 km/h seems a reasonable average speed. Having finally achieved the full course, I rewarded myself with the croissant that I didn't manage Tuesday from Paul at Yotsuya Station. Actually, it was just okay; too baked for my taste or or not fresh enough. Of course, I'm also going to have to adjust the routes, since currently they don't really end at convenient locations (I should have them meet at the main intersections so I can transfer to a different route), though I also need to actually learn the landmarks on the route properly. I'm not sure every temple is actually visible, so I might remove some before I finalize the map. The way they cluster, that would probably not actually affect the route.
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