Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sunday cake shop tour: 1st shop, Ryoco

Even though I ran 35 km yesterday and I am not sore at all except for the skin around my ankles (I need to get cooler socks, I think), so I almost went running today but thought better of it, which is just as well. Instead, I took out the granny bike and decided that I don't need to buy a bike now, not just because this one works amazingly well, given that it is several years old and had little done to it, but because now it is too hot. Of course, I could get up early, but if I want to visit cake shops, I have to go when they open, or at least I can't start back until they do, by which time it's really too hot. So my plan is to wait for fall before buying a bicycle. I also figured out that I did not take the planned path through Roppongi yesterday but instead stayed on the main road when I should have branched right, which is made my trip only slight longer as far as distance but wasted time while I puzzled briefly about why I had reached the expressway without there being a subway station, which I passed later, further south.

The first shop today was Ryoko, from which I learned that I should line up 10 minutes early, because no one was there standing in the hot sun at that time (I went around and bought and ate my vegetable), but there were several people ahead of me at opening time, so I had to wait a few minutes outside for there to be space to get in (at which time, there were several people behind me) and a total of about 25 minutes to get cake. I ate this nearby, but it immediately started melting, because the day was already hot (10:30 am opening in summer is inconvenient); was not a problem, though. This cake is Cara Doux for 540 yen, and has two kinds of chocolate and caramel. The label says that it's suited to adult tastes. It is great, as I remembered.

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